Maintaining a lush, green lawn in Dallas, TX, can be a challenge due to the region’s unique climate and environmental factors. Homeowners often encounter various issues such as brown patches, weed infestations, or fungal diseases, which can detract from the beauty of their outdoor space. However, with the right knowledge and solutions, you can overcome these challenges and achieve a vibrant, healthy lawn. In this article, we’ll explore five common lawn problems faced by homeowners in Dallas, TX, and provide expert troubleshooting tips from Granulawn to help you restore your lawn to its optimal health.

Brown Patch Dilemma: Reviving Your Lawn

Brown patches are a common sight in many Dallas lawns, especially during the hot and humid summer months. These unsightly patches can result from various factors, including fungal infections, overwatering, or compacted soil. To revive your lawn and banish brown patches for good, follow these steps:

Identifying the Cause: The first step in addressing brown patches is to identify the underlying cause. Is it due to fungal disease, overwatering, or compacted soil? Conduct a thorough inspection of your lawn to pinpoint the issue.

Fungal Treatment: If fungal disease is the culprit, apply a fungicide specifically formulated to target the type of fungus affecting your lawn. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully for best results.

Proper Watering Practices: Overwatering can contribute to brown patches by creating favorable conditions for fungal growth. Ensure your lawn receives adequate but not excessive watering, especially during hot weather.

Aeration and Soil Amendment: Compacted soil can hinder water and nutrient absorption, leading to brown patches. Consider aerating your lawn and incorporating organic matter to improve soil structure and promote healthy grass growth.

Regular Maintenance: Maintain a regular lawn care routine, including mowing at the appropriate height, fertilizing as needed, and addressing any issues promptly to prevent the recurrence of brown patches.

Weed Woes: Battling Unwanted Invaders

Weed infestations are a common headache for Dallas homeowners striving to maintain a pristine lawn. Weeds not only detract from the aesthetic appeal of your lawn but also compete with grass for nutrients and water. Here’s how to tackle weed woes effectively:

Early Detection: Keep a vigilant eye out for weeds and address them promptly before they have a chance to spread. Regularly inspect your lawn and manually remove any weeds as soon as they appear.

Selective Herbicides: For widespread weed infestations, consider using selective herbicides that target specific types of weeds while sparing your grass. Be sure to choose herbicides labeled safe for use on your grass type.

Preventative Measures: Implement preventative measures such as proper lawn maintenance practices, including regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing, to create conditions unfavorable for weed growth.

Mulching: Applying a layer of mulch to your garden beds and around trees and shrubs can help suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight and preventing weed seeds from germinating.

Professional Assistance: If weed infestations persist despite your best efforts, seek professional assistance from lawn care experts like Granulawn. They can provide tailored solutions to eradicate weeds and restore your lawn’s health.

Fungal Foes: Defeating Lawn Diseases

Fungal diseases are a common concern for Dallas homeowners, particularly during periods of high humidity and moisture. Left untreated, fungal infections can quickly spread and wreak havoc on your lawn. Here’s how to combat fungal foes effectively:

Proper Air Circulation: Improve air circulation in your lawn by trimming back overhanging branches and avoiding overcrowding of plants. Good airflow helps prevent the development and spread of fungal diseases.

Avoid Overwatering: Excessive moisture creates ideal conditions for fungal growth. Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to promote deep root growth and minimize surface moisture.

Resistant Grass Varieties: Consider overseeding your lawn with grass varieties known for their resistance to fungal diseases, such as tall fescue or fine fescue. These grasses are better equipped to withstand fungal infections and other stressors.

Regular Fungicide Applications: Apply fungicides preventatively to protect your lawn from fungal diseases, especially during periods of high humidity or when conditions are conducive to fungal growth.

Prompt Removal of Infected Areas: If you notice signs of fungal infection, such as discolored or wilting grass, promptly remove and dispose of the affected areas to prevent the spread of the disease.

Professional Consultation: If you’re unsure how to address a fungal infestation or if the problem persists despite your efforts, consult with lawn care professionals like Granulawn for expert guidance and treatment options.

Lawn Care Calendar: A Year-Round Guide

Maintaining a healthy lawn in Dallas, TX, requires year-round attention and care. To help you stay on track, here’s a comprehensive lawn care calendar outlining essential tasks to tackle each season:


  • Aerating and dethatching
  • Overseeding bare or thin areas
  • Applying pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weed growth


  • Proper watering to prevent drought stress
  • Mowing at the appropriate height to encourage deep root growth
  • Monitoring for signs of pests and diseases


  • Fertilizing to promote root development and winter hardiness
  • Raking leaves to prevent suffocation of grass
  • Applying post-emergent herbicides to control winter weeds


  • Winterizing irrigation systems to prevent freezing
  • Continuing to monitor for pest and disease activity
  • Planning and preparing for spring lawn care tasks

By following this seasonal lawn care calendar and implementing the appropriate maintenance tasks, you can keep your lawn healthy and vibrant throughout the year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I water my lawn during the summer months? During the summer months, aim to water your lawn deeply once or twice a week, providing approximately 1-1.5 inches of water per week.

What is the best way to prevent weed infestations in my lawn? Implementing proper lawn care practices such as regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing can help create conditions unfavorable for weed growth. Additionally, applying pre-emergent herbicides can prevent weed seeds from germinating.

How can I tell if my lawn is suffering from a fungal disease? Common signs of fungal diseases in lawns include discolored or wilting grass, the presence of mold or fungal growth, and circular patches of dead or dying grass. If you suspect a fungal infection, consult with a lawn care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Is it possible to repair brown patches in my lawn? Yes, brown patches can often be repaired with proper care and attention. Identifying the underlying cause of the brown patches and implementing appropriate solutions such as fungicide application, soil amendment, and regular maintenance can help restore your lawn’s health.

When is the best time to aerate my lawn? The best time to aerate your lawn is during the growing season when the grass is actively growing and can recover quickly from aeration. In Dallas, TX, spring or fall are ideal times for lawn aeration.

Should I hire a professional lawn care service for my lawn problems? If you’re struggling to address lawn problems on your own or if the issues persist despite your efforts, hiring a professional lawn care service like Granulawn can provide expert guidance and tailored solutions to restore your lawn’s health.


Maintaining a healthy lawn in Dallas, TX, requires proactive care and attention to address common issues such as brown patches, weed infestations, and fungal diseases. By following expert troubleshooting tips from Granulawn and implementing preventative measures, you can overcome these challenges and achieve a lush, vibrant lawn that enhances the beauty of your outdoor space. Remember to stay vigilant, address issues promptly, and consult with lawn care professionals when needed to ensure your lawn remains in optimal health year-round.