6 Summer Lawn Care Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

6 Summer Lawn Care Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Did you know that people spend an average of over a hundred dollars on yard care? With these high of costs, you need to follow the right lawn care advice to make sure you’re spending your money on activities that will actually help your lawn. But how

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3 Reasons To Hire a Lawn Weed Control Service

3 Reasons To Hire a Lawn Weed Control Service

Did you know that lawn weeds can grow as fast as 1 inch per day? They also spread out to new locations. It’s easy to see why hiring a lawn weed control service can be the best option for keeping your lawn looking beautiful and weed-free. Especially

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Yellow Spots on Lawn: Should You Be Worried?

Yellow Spots on Lawn: Should You Be Worried?

Have spots on your lawn started to look a bit yellow? Every once in a while, your lawn looks a little off. Whether its weeds taking over in the spring or it drying out in the heat of summer, there are usually measures you can take to

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The Importance of Lawn Pest Control For a Healthy Lawn

The Importance of Lawn Pest Control For a Healthy Lawn

Did you know that the United States is home to at least 100,000 native insect species? Of all these species, about a third is in the Lone Star State. As a Texas homeowner yourself, your lawn is likely home to many critters. The thing is, not all

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3 Helpful Tips for Controlling Lawn Weeds

3 Helpful Tips for Controlling Lawn Weeds

North Texas is home to a number of beautiful native plants but it’s also home to a large variety of broadleaf and turfgrass weeds. As we start thinking of the spring and summer months ahead, many of us get excited to get back outside and dig into

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Granulawn Discusses Dallas Lawn Types on Redfin.com

Granulawn Discusses Dallas Lawn Types on Redfin.com

Our experts here at Granulawn were proud to participate in an interview by Redfin.com author Jeff Anttila to discuss how various lawn types can affect what you should do to prep your yard in the Spring to help prepare it for the Summer. The article contains a

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Why You Should Not Scalp Your Lawn After Spring

Why You Should Not Scalp Your Lawn After Spring

Scalping a lawn, mowing too low or even too frequently can literally kill your lawn.  Please be sure to ask your landscape professional about what is best for the type of grass in your lawn. Link to this post!

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Take All Patch in St. Augustine Lawns

Take All Patch in St. Augustine Lawns

You will see this disease affect St. Augustine turf in the spring and will cause areas of lighter green, yellow and even brown and dead patches on your yard. The runners will pull up easily from the soil and the roots are dead, dry and shortened. The

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